Datum in čas dogodka: 11.10.2013 - 17:00
Sacred Dance & healing workshop
Jos Galdermans
SVETI PLESI IN ZDRAVLJENJE. Jos Galdermans je naturopat, učitelj naravne medicine in joge. Sveti plesi so oblika meditativnega plesa, kjer smo združeni v krogu. Plešemo zaradi dobrega počutja, ob plesu pa se poraja tudi subtilna energija, ki pomaga pri zdravljenju nas samih, naših soplesavcev in ljudi okoli nas.
As the days shorten and nature is preparing itself for winter,
we will nurture the light within ourselves: darker outside……
…….brighter inside !
I am very happy to stay here again for a few days and meet
you in and outside the dance circle. The lovely countryside,
the nearby spa and the healthy, pure food will contribute in
our wellbeing. Next to the dances and the energy work a
nature walk is planned (if the weather permits).
Prices of the dance course + lodging + breakfast:
from Friday 17.00 – Sunday 16.00 135 eur
from Saturday morning – Sunday 16.00 95 eur
Prices for lodging + breakfast (partners)
per night 30 eur
Prices of the dance course without lodging:
per evening 19.00 – 21.30 20 eur
per morning 10.00 – 13.00 25 eur
Please contact us when this price is over your budget; we will do
our best to find you a suitable solution.
We welcome partners ! That is why we created the possibility of
lodging without taking part in the workshop. Maybe in the afternoon all of us can go for a walk through nature or do something
else together.
We can keep the total price as low as possible when everybody can
bring something to share for lunch and dinner during this weekend.
We are quite willing to assist you in organizing the transport
to Gaberje. Let us know if you seek someone with a car or if
you are looking for passengers in your car.
Of course we hope you will join us for the full weekend, but
for some that is not possible. So you can join us when you can
as long as you tell us in advance.
Please let us know as soon as possible if and when you want to
join us.
Most of the rooms are twin rooms. Together with the booking
(see below) you pay € 50 to SKB account
0311 2100 0392 425 of Joseph J.B.M. Galdermans.
The rest of the payment can be made in cash in Gaberje.
Booking / information:
Meta Komar 041981183 meta.komar@gmail.com
Jos Galdermans 0031-575432978 josgaldermans@kpnmail.nl